Dr. Kaitlin Butner PT, DPT

professional headshot of physical therapist and owner Dr. Kaitlin Butner

I’m one of the owners here at One to One. I went to school at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, PA. As a NW native, I found myself itching to come back after I graduated. I now live near Point Defiance with my husband, Alan, and my daughter, Dylan, along with our two dogs. Since graduating PT school in 2017, I have had a special spot in my heart for those diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease as I have seen firsthand what the power of movement can do for those individuals. I also specialize in pelvic health after the birth of my own daughter helped me realize how valuable a good pelvic health therapist can truly be. When not in the clinic, my husband and I enjoy visiting local Tacoma restaurants with family and friends and exploring the Puget Sound in our kayak. GO COUGS!